Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Materi Bahasa Inggris

•Is an expression that serves to express the state of supposition, hope and imagination
Expression used in expressing wishes and imaginary situation :
a)The students are very naughty, I wish I didn’t teach them
b)The sallary in this company is very low, I wish I did not work here
c)The weather is very hot, I wish I have orange juice
Expressing wishes and imaginary Situations typically use two sentences: conditional sentence and subjuntive

Conditional (sentence presupposition) explains that an activity contrary to other activities. The most common conditional is the Real and Unreal  Conditional, sometimes also called if-clauses.
Conditional sentences usually used if, unless, provided that, on condition
§conditional sentences have two clause are if clause and main clause
further developed into three types of formula
Type 1
Used to express a supposition that is made based on the facts in the present or the future and assumptions could have occurred. Clause "if" is usually in the form of the Simple Present Tense.
         To express future times   
              •where we can use this type to declare the act that will happen in the future 
              • The formula
     if + s + present tense + s + future tense
a)if it rains, we  get  soon
b)If  you have a lot money, why have  don’t  you buy a new car
c) if I don’t breakfast,i always  fainted

     To express habitual action or situation
means we can use conditional senteces to express habitual action that we do every day or every moment. otherwise it could be to express situation and condition.
The formula
  If + s + present tense + c + present tense
a)if it rains, we  get  soon
b)If  you have a lot money, why have  don’t  you buy a new car
                        c) if I don’t breakfast,i always  fainted
Expressing command
but that with conditional sentences we can express command to someone and anyone to do something
The formula
If+s+present  tense+c+imperative form
1.if you go to pekalongan,please buy me batik bedcover
2. f  you go to the post office, please mail this letter
3. please call me if you hear from Mr . Joko

Type 2

 Type of conditional sentences is a supposition that is not possible in the present or unreal conditionals
The formula :
Formula 1
  If+s+past tense+c+s+would/could/should+v1
1.if Ali didn’t pass his exam, he would have to repeat the year.
2.if he were here right now, he would help us.
3.I would tell you about it,if I were here  
Note to type 2
in type 2 to be is changed into”were 
Type  2 can to express willing used would
1.he would come,if you invited him
2.if I had a lot of money,I would give it some to you
To express compulsory used “should”
1.if it were not raining,you should come here
2.If Rani  had spare time,she sould help her mother in law

 Type 3
Used to express a supposition that is not possible or impossible is not a real place in the past
The formula
  If+s+past perfect+c+would/could/should+v3
1.if they had not lost their way, the would have  arrived here on time
2. she would have should the  paddy,she had found buyer


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